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Geography Intent: Geography is an exciting, enquiry-led subject that helps children to better understand people, places and environments in the world. At Finham, we encourage our children to be inquisitive and question the information they are presented with in order to further their geographical understanding. 

The curriculum has been carefully constructed in order to spark a curiosity and fascination about the world but also to help the children develop their own sense of identity. We will give children the opportunity to explore and understand their local area and use this knowledge to compare their life in this area with that of others around the world. Our curriculum will also enable the children to have first-hand experiences of the world and give them the opportunity to gain an appreciation of life in other cultures.

We strive for children to use a range of tools to understand their location and the landscapes of contrasting environments. Children will have the opportunity to apply and embed these skills when conducting fieldwork in their local area.

For more information on the intent, implementation and impact of Geography at Finham, or for a general overview of each year group's Geography curriculum, please click the images below: 









For a more detailed look at each year group's Geography curriculum, you can download key documentation below: